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Category: CSD News and Updates

Berkshire Park Improvements

RHCSD Planning For Park Facilities and Improvements: Berkshire Park

At the upcoming meeting on January 16, 2018, the Board will further discuss the draft plan for development of Berkshire Park.

Planning is underway for park facilities and improvements within the District. Construction of the District’s newest neighborhood, Sierramonte, is going strong. With those 49 new homes will come new residents who will also enjoy the parks and open space. The District received development fees and in lieu Quimby fees, some of which are earmarked specifically for the purpose of providing park and recreational facilities and improvements to serve residents

In conjunction with development of the Master Plan and based on input received from residents, the Board and staff have developed a DRAFT proposed plan for amenities to be added at Berkshire Park, including a covered barbecue and picnic area and play area for children. The plan was discussed at recent Board meetings and your continued input is welcomed.

Resident Volunteer Day – Saturday, April 22, 2017 9-12 AM

The District has the wonderful opportunity to partner with a local church to work together to use volunteer labor to complete many community projects that we have had on our wish list. Some of the projects consist of moving 80 yards of playground fiber into the playground area, replacing/repairing baseball backstop, staining split rail fencing, planting trees and garbage cleanup. We would love to have as many residents as possible show up to help with these jobs.

**Please note that the playground fiber will be delivered Friday and will perhaps overflow into the roadway near the park. The District asks that you use extra caution at that time and we appreciate any inconvenience.***

If you can spare some time, the District would really appreciate it. If you are able to attend, please plan on bringing gloves and if you have shovels/wheelbarrows that will make the work go so much quicker. There will be a table at Stonebriar Park where jobs will be distributed.

If you have any questions, please contact:  Chaney Hicks, Rolling Hills CSD, General Manager at (916) 235-8671 or at [email protected].

Master Planning Survey

Please consider taking a few moments to answer a few short questions that will help finalize the District’s Master Plan. A Planning Workshop is scheduled for Monday, August 8th at the Holiday Inn Express in Town Center at 7:00 pm to get final feedback from residents regarding desires for the existing parks and potential development of new parks.

Survey may be found here:

If you have any questions, please contact:  Chaney Hicks, Rolling Hills CSD, General Manager at (916) 235-8671 or at [email protected]

Movie Night and Chili Cook-off


September 24th

Please join the District for a fun filled event.  We will start off with a resident chili cook-off.  The District will be providing barbecued hotdogs and chips and present the final version of the RHCSD Master Plan for review and comment.


Following the presentation of best chili award, we will begin a family friendly movie in the park   at the Baseball Field (Movie start time will be at dusk).  As always, popcorn will be provided by the RHCSD.  Event Details:

  • Saturday, September 24, 2016
  • Bring Chili Entries at 5:30 pm
  • BBQ starts at 6:00pm
  • Judging Begins at 6:15 pm
  • Master Plan Presentation
  • Award Presented at 7:00 pm
  • Movie to Follow

Movie Night in the Park!

 Movie Night in the Park!


Kick off the summer with a movie showing in the Stonebriar Park.

The District will be hosting Movie Night and will view a family friendly movie and provide complimentary popcorn.  Details:

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Movie to begin at dusk.

Please contact:  Rollinghillscsdgm@gmail or call Chaney Hicks at (916) 235-8671 for more details.